The K2MFF Repeater is located at New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark, NJ.
Repeater Information
FREQUENCY: 147.225
OFFSET: + 0.600 MHz
PL: 141.3
Repeater Acceptable Use Policy
Emergency use of this repeater always takes precedence.
Nets takes precedence before normal conversations but has a lower precedence over emergencies.
Always identify yourself at least every ten (10) minutes and at the end of your transmission.
Do not engage in political soap boxing, views on controversial matters, or anything that might hurt someone's feelings.
This repeater is "family" friendly. Try to avoid adult subjects and limit accidental slips of language.
If you notice jamming or interfering DO NOT acknowledge. Contact K2MFF and/or trustee via email to inform them of what is happening with a timestamp and nature of interference. If possible, record the interference in-order to help us conduct our investigation and assist the FCC.